Structure of RNA
Biotechnology is "the integrated use of of biochemistry, microbiology And engineering science in order to achieve technological application of the capabilities of micro-organisms, cultured tissue/cells and parts thereof." Biotechnology consists of "the controlled use of biological agents, Such as, micro-organisms or cellular components, for beneficial use."
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Structure of RNA
Classification of proteins on the basis of functional and chemical nature
A Functional classification of proteins:-
Elemental composition of proteins
Elemental composition of proteins
Function of lipids
Functions of lipids:-
Classification of lipids
Classification of lipids:-
Functions of carbohydrates
Functions of carbohydrates:-
Monday, 17 May 2021
Why Preservation is important?
- Until tow decades ago the genetic resources were getting depleted owing to the continuous depredation by man.
- It was imperative therefore that many of the elite Economically important and endangered species are preserved to make them available when needed.
- The conventional methods of storage of storage failed to prevent losses caused to various reason.
- A new methodology had to be devised for long term preservation of material.
- Cryopreservation:- Generally involves storage in liquid Nitrogen.
- Cold storage:- It involve storage in low and non freezing temperature.
- Low pressure:- It involves partially reducing the atmospheric pressure of surrounding.
- Low oxygen storage:- It involves reducing the oxygen level but maintaining the pressure.
- Cryo is greek word, (Kroyes -frost)
- It literally means preservation in "frozen state"
- Over solid carbon dioxide (at-79°C)
- Low temperature deep freezer (at-80°C)
- In vapor phase nitrogen (at-150°C)
- In liquid nitrogen (at-196°C)
- Once the material is successfully conserved. Particular temperature it can be preserved indefinitely.
- Once in storage no chance of new contamination of fungus or Bacteria.
- Minimal space required.
- Minimal labor required.
- Selection of of material.
- Addition of Cryoprotectant.
- Freezing
- Storage in liquid nitrogen.
- Thawing.
- Washing and reculturing.
- Measurement of viability
- Regeneration of plants.
- They are chemical which prevent cryodestruction.
- These are sucrose, alcohol's, glycols, Some amino acid (proline), DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)
- Generally tow cryoprotectant should be used together instead of single one as they are more effective.
- Slow freezing method:- The tissue or plant material is slowly frozen at slow cooling rate. The advantage is the plant cells are partially dehydrated and survive better.
- Rapid freezing method:- It involves pluming the vials in liquid nitrogen. The temperature decreases from -300°C to -1000°C rapidly.
- Rapid freezing method:- This is combination of both slow and rapid freezing method. The process is carried out in step wise like manner.
- Dry freezing method:- In this method dehydrated cells and seeds are stored.
- The maintenance of the frozen cells or material at specific temperature is kept -70°C to -196°C
- Prolong storage is done at temperature of -196°C in liquid nitrogen.
- To prevent damage, continuous supply of Nitrogen is done.
- Usually carried out by plunging the vials. into warm water bath with vigorous swirling.
- As thawing occurs the vials are transferred to another bath at 0°C degree.
- The preserved material is washed few times to remove the cryoprotectant.
- This material is then recultured in a fresh medium.
- There is possibility of death of cells due to storage stress.
- Thus viability can be found at any stage.
- It is calculated by formula:-
- The viable seeds are cultured on non specific growth medium.
- Suitable Environment Conditions are maintained.
- It is ideal method for long term conservation of material.
- Peculcitrant seeds can be maintained for long time.
- Endangered species can be maintained.
- Pollens can be maintained to increase longitivity.
- Rare germplasm and other genetic manipulations can be stored.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Micro propagation
It has been demonstrated that a variety of plant can be conveniently propagated through the techniques of cell, tissue organ culture. This is popularly described as micro propagation.
Technique of Micro propagation:-
In most of cases, clone propagation is achieved by placing sterilized short tips or axillary buds on to a culture medium that is sufficient to induce formation of multiple buds.
Following stage are involved in the method of micro propagation
1. Stage I involves establishment of tissue in vitro.
2. Stage II involve multiplication of shoots.
3. Stage III concerned root formation and conditioning of propagules prior to transfer to the greenhouse. This stage requires high intensity and alteration of media for promotion of root formation.
4. Stage IV involves growth in pots followed by field trials.
Advantages of Micro propagation:-
- Rapid multiplication of superior clones and maintenance of uniformity.
- Multiplication of disease free plant.
- Multiplication of sexually derived sterile hybrids.
- A wide range of plants have now been regenerated through technique of tissue culture. This technique is very useful in the commercial production of some plants like banana, potato, orchids and Chrysanthemum etc.
MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution
MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution

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