Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Diagnosis of sicklecell anemia

 Diagnosis of sicklecell anemia:-

1. Sickling test : This is a simple microscopic examination of blood smear
prepared by adding reducing agents such as sodium dithionite. Sickled
erythrocytes can be detected under the microscope.

2. Electrophoresis : When subjected to electrophoresis in alkaline medium (pH
8.6), sicklecell hemoglobin (HbS) moves slowly towards anode (positive
electrode) than does adult hemoglobin (HbA). The slow mobility of HbS is
due to less negative charge, caused by the absence of glutamate residues that
carry negative charge. In case of sicklecell trait, the fast moving HbA and
slow moving HbS are observed. The electrophoresis of hemoglobin obtained
from lysed erythrocytes can be routinely used for the diagnosis of sicklecell
anemia and sicklecell trait.

FIG. - Electrophoresis of hemoglobins at pH 8.6 (HbA–Normal adult
hemoglobin; HbS–Sickle cell hemoglobin). 


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