Saturday, 12 September 2020

Types of Cancer

                                                                      Cancer is not bone single disease but a complex of many disease. About two hundred distinct types of cancer have been recognized.  

These can be grouped into four main types:-




4. Leukemia  

1Carcinomas:- Carcinomas are tumours made up principally of epithelial cells of ectodermal of  endodermal origin. The solid tumours nerve tissue and in tissues of body surfaces, or their attached glands, are examples of carcinomas. These include cervical, breast, skin, and brain carcinomas. About 85 percent of cancer are carcinomas.

2. Sarcomas:- Sarcomas are tumours made up principally of connective tissue cells, Which are of mesodermal origin. They are solid tumours growing from connective tissue. Cartilage bone and muscle. Although they account for most cancer studied in laboratory animals, they constitute only about 2 present human Cancer.

3. Lymphomas:- Lymphomas are Cancers in which there is excessive production of lymphocytes by the lymph nodes and spleen Hodgkin's disease is an example of a lymphoma. Lymphoma Constitute about 5 present  of human Cancers.

4. Leukemia:- Leukemia are neoplastic growths of leucocytes (W.B.C) and are characterized by excessive production of the cells. They constitute about 4 present of human cancer.

Cancer cells


                  RNA VIRUSES                                                                   STRANDS
    1. Keovirus                                                                                         RNA(2)   
    2. Wound Tumour Virus                                                                     RNA(2)
    3. Rice Dwarf Virus                                                                            RNA(2)
    4. Tobacco Mosaic Virus(TMV)                                                         RNA(1)
    5. Influenza Virus                                                                                RNA(1)
    6. Polimomyelitis Virus                                                                       RNA(1)
    7. Bacteriophage MS-2                                                                        RNA(1)
    8. Bacterial Virus F2                                                                            RNA(1)
    9. Coliphage R12                                                                                 RNA(1)
    10. Avian Leukemia Virus                                                                     RNA(1)


                 DNA VIRUSES                                                                                    STRANDS 
    1.  Pox Viruses                                                                                         DNA(2)
    2. Coliphages T2, T4, T6,                                                                        DNA(2)
    3. Coliphages T3, T7,                                                                               DNA(2)
    4. Coliphages Lambda (lambda symbol in PowerPoint 2016)                                                                       DNA(2)
    5. Herpesviruses                                                                                       DNA(2)
    6. Adenoviruses                                                                                        DNA(2)
    7. Papilloma Viruses                                                                                 DNA(2)
    8. Bacteriophage Phix174                                                                         DNA(1)
    9. M13                                                                                                       DNA(1)  
    10. Polyoma Virus SV 40                                                                            DNA(2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Friday, 11 September 2020

Properties of A Good Vector

 A good vector must have the following properties:-

  • The vector should be easy to isolate and purify.
  • It should be easily introduced into the host cells,transformation of the host with the vector should be easy.
  • The vector should have suitable marker genes that allow easy detection and selection of the transformed host cells.
  • When the object is gene transfer, it should have the ability to integrate either itself the DNA insert it carries into the genome of the host cell.
  • It should be able to replicate autonomously.
  • A vector should be ideally less than 10 kb in size because larger DNA molecules are broken during purification procedure.
  • When expression of the DNA insert is desired, the vector should contain at least suitable control elements. e.g., promoter, operator and ribosome binding sites; several other features may be also important.
  • A vector should contain unique target sites for as may restriction enzyme as possible into which the DNA insert can be integrated without disrupting an essential function. 
  • The cells transformed with such vector molecules that contain the DNA insert should be identifiable or selectable from those transformed by the DNA molecules only.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Watson And crick Model of DNA or B-DNA

                                                                                      Watson and Crick presented a model to elucidate the molecular structure of DNA. Which is called DNA model. For this work, Watson and Crick were awarded the Nobel prize in 1962.

Key features of DNA model are as follows:-

  1. Each section of DNA consists of two stands that wrap around each other form the double coil structure.
  2. Each DNA has two chain of polynucleotides. Which is unbranched.
  3. DNA has two polynucleotide chain Anti parallel. Hence, 3' of one series is near 5' of another series. Third Carbon independent of sugars at one end of polynucleotide series, Who says this 3' prime end. Fifth carbon Independent of sugar at second strand, Who says this 5' prime.
  4. Both polynucleotides chain are linked By hydrogen Bond.
    Watson and Crick DNA modal

  5. Nucleotides makes polynucleotides chain.(because Nucleotides are linked with Phosphodiester bond.)
  6. Nucleotides as step-wise arrange. The two are arranged between the series.
  7. Paring of Adenine to Thymine and pairing of Guanine to cytosine. Always Both are linked with Hydrogen bond.
  8. In the DNA of each organism or caste. Nucleotides have certain sequence.
  9. A=T/GC and A=T/GC ratio each organism established.
  10. Both polynucleotides chain of DNA chain made of a helix is 34Å in length.
  11. A total of 10 Nucleotides found in a complete helix, Distance between two Nucleotides is 3.4Å.
  12. Diameter of every DNA coiled 20Å.
  13. Both chain of DNA complement each other.If the sequence of bases one of its series is a A,G,A,T,G,C, then the order of bases in the second chain is T,C,T,A,C,G .
  14. Two DNA sequences in each DNA chain(external grooves) which are called major grooves, respectively (major grooves) and minor grooves the major grooves is wide and deep.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Why we want to speak English.

You should have basic knowledge of English grammar. You will have to regular practice of grammar. This is your first stage of English. If you should have basic knowledge of English grammar then You can understand English. After completed your basic English grammar then you will have to practice of English speaking with other person or self. You will have to also knowledge of word meaning. Because without word meaning knowledge you can not speak English and understand. You can also join online class on YouTube and there are many online class available on internet, You must visit there to learn how to speak English in short time. You will have to regular practice of translate Hindi to English. If You will do regular practice then you can not only speak English but you can also write and read English.  English language is very necessary for your future. Because Everywhere use English language. Now a days No body speak Hindi in office,company,school and more place there are speak English. If you able to teach with your expert teacher then you will not only learn speaking English but also learn English writing and grammar. Maximum person want to learn only speak English. But you will have to also knowledge of writing and reading English. Now a days everywhere use only English. You are looking. If You go to bank or any place then you ask to please give me a account open form that time no any word type in Hindi on form. You can understand that Your country is developing not developed. You will have to also give support for developed country. If you have become with good knowledge then You can also go to other country and understand his/her language. There are many profit of knowledge of English. Just like as You can talk with other person. And most expansive books come in English language.  you must have knowledge of English. And More knowledge about English search on google and you tube. There are may books available on internet. You must visit on internet and download and read if you do not want to go to coaching. 

MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution

MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution