Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Value of Time Essay Writing. 300 words, And how to save our time.............

                                         Value of Time
                      That days Nobody understand that value of time. But Who understand the value of time. They never destroy their success. They always get success in their life. Everybody have fixed time on Earth. Nobody is immortal on the Earth. Everybody have to die. So, You will have to understand the value of time.
                       Every second,Every Minute,Every Hour, And Day is important for our life. So, You never destroy your self time. When You destroy a day. That day never come in your life. There are many story about value of time You can read in book or internet. A story "BAS FIVE MINUTE" You must read in childhood and listen by teacher in your classroom. And there are many story in childhood book. You should be read.
                       To realise the value of ONE DAY, ask the person who missed the any exam. to realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lover who are waiting to meet. to realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
                       Some people work according to Time table. But, When We have any emergency then We have to destroy the rule of time table. This is emergency situation. You can do. Every person have Become emergency condition. We have to solve this condition. And Forget that Emergency case and any problem in your life Because When You become in depression. As You know that depression is so bad for Concentration on one situation. If You became in depression then You can't do any work properly. This is so bad condition. 
                       Don't destroy your time on Smart phone. If we see everywhere maximum person destroy their time on Smart Mobile Phone. This is So Bad for Future. Some people talking to their girlfriend/boyfriend. Many hours destroy on mobile till night. This is bad habit for Boyfriend and Girlfriend. I am not saying that not talk to Girlfriend/Boyfriend. But you You will have arrange fixed time to talking on phone both person. In this way you can save your time. You will have to also Make future. Every Work do in Our life.(only good work) This is not bad work. But When You destroy your goal direction. You will forget your goal. that what is my goal. And never try to become on your goal.
                      Now We a question that How to save our time! We will have to fixed a goal. And never destroy that goal in our life. Always be motivated And Do every work according to your time table. Fixed a time table of every work that you do daily. In this way You can save more time for our goal. And Arrange also fixed time for your mobile. I know,(this is vitamin for our body wen a day you do not use phone then you You feel bad.)  Nobody can live without Smart phone. And also don't play pubg every time. Play but in fixed time. This is also reason for destroy our time. I think You will have to understand the value of time. You try to Understand the value and live to be careful. OK.........................,

                                                                                                      Life teaches as
                                                                                                                 to make good
                                                                                                                 use of Time
                                                                                                               teaches use the
                                                                                                              Value of Time.............
time is running


MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution

MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962); Concentration of final complete medium and stock solution